Your Logo or letterhead at the top
For Immediate Release: Contact Person:
Date (day of the week, date spelled out) Phone/Email
Headline (one line, bold, compelling words that grab media’s attention)
Subhead (one line – additional detail expanding on headline)
Location in caps followed by Lead (for example: GUILDERLAND) Lead – Who, What, Why, When, Where.
Body – Additional details – 3 sentences – short paragraph.
Quotes – Meaningful, How a person speaks, From you or your clients.
Boilerplate – 2 or 3 sentences about your company – who you are, what you do.
Call to Action – visit our website for more details. Call this number for more information. Buy tickets online at…
*If applicable – State if photos/video is available upon request.
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(number symbols centered shows the end of the release)
Reporters, assignment editors, news directors are busy. Keep it to one page.
Short, snappy, to the point…Why should they care?